This session is presented by Dr. Laura Manns-James, Dr. Monica McLemore and Lauren Paulk.
CE SESSION Caring for Pregnant People After Roe: Nursing Ethics and Patient Privacy in the Dobbs Era
Since the overturn of Roe vs. Wade, clinicians with varying personal convictions about abortion will be challenged to provide ethical nursing care when patients present with complications of pregnancy, miscarriage, or abortion. This continuing education session is designed to help nurses understand their ethical and legal obligations, considering patient privacy, different state contexts, and their personal convictions.
This activity is approved for 2 contact hour(s) of continuing education (which includes 0 hour(s) of pharmacology) by Frontier Nursing University. Activity [ID # 2306-0007]. This activity was planned in accordance with ANCC Commission on Accreditation Standards and Policies. This activity has been approved for one year through October 2, 2024.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the CE session, participants will:
- Identify at least three routes that patients may use to obtain medications for safe early abortion in the United States.
- Describe their legal obligations to preserve patient privacy in the context of medication abortion and miscarriage management.
- Recall their ethical responsibilities to provide patient care in emergency and non-emergency contexts for pregnant, miscarrying or post-abortion patients presenting with complications.
- Recognize their legal and ethical rights to exercise conscience clauses regarding the care of patients presenting with pregnancy or abortion complications
You must complete the post-test and evaluation at the link below in order to receive credit for your contact hours.Continuing education certificates will be sent for completed courses within 24 hours to the email used for Canvas course registration. Be sure to check your spam or bulk folders. If you are unable to locate your certificate email or have questions about completion of the post-test and evaluation, please contact
You will complete this CE in an online platform called Canvas. This platform includes the recording, demographic form, post-test, and CE certificate instructions. Please click the “Begin Registration in Canvas for this CE” button above. Please see the following links on how to register based on your status:
Laura Manns-James, Ph.D., CNM, WHNP-BC, CNE, FACNM, certified menopause clinician
Laura Manns-James is a CNM and WHNP, a certified nurse educator, a Fellow of the American College of Nurse Midwives, and an Associate Professor at Frontier Nursing University. Laura’s clinical experience as a midwife and practice director centered on underserved populations in rural areas.
Laura has published with a multidisciplinary, Black-led research team engaged in participatory action research focused on improving pregnancy outcomes for urban Black mothers and babies. She has additionally published papers on research methods relevant to health equity. Most recently, she has written about nursing ethics in the post-Dobbs era.
She has presented to national and international audiences on clinical, research and health equity topics. She earned her midwifery and WHNP certificates from Frontier, a master’s degree in nursing from Case Western Reserve University, and a PhD in nursing research from Kent State University.
Monica R. McLemore PhD, MPH, RN
Monica R. McLemore PhD, MPH, RN, is a tenured professor in the Child, Family, and Population Health Department and she will become the Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the School of Nursing pending approval from the Reagents. She retired from clinical work in 2019; however, currently provides flu and COVID-19 vaccines. Her research is focused on reproductive justice. Her peer reviewed articles, OpEds and commentaries have been cited in five amicus briefs to the Supreme Court of the United States and three NASEM reports. She became Editor in Chief of Health Equity in 2022.
Dr. McLemore is a preeminent scholar of antiracist birth equity research, community-informed methods, and policy translation. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from The College of New Jersey in 1993 after declaring at eight years old she would become a nurse. She earned a master’s in public health from San Francisco State University and a PhD in oncology genomics at the University of California, San Francisco. She has worked her entire career in reproductive health, rights, and justice.
Lauren Paulk, JD
Lauren Paulk, JD, is Senior Research Counsel at If/When/How, where she focuses on in-depth legal research in support of If/When/How’s litigation and policy team and state and grassroots advocates. Prior to joining If/When/How, Lauren led state policy work related to reproductive health, rights and justice as Policy Counsel at the National Partnership for Women & Families; tracked and analyzed state bills on reproductive rights and health as a Senior State Legislative Fellow with the Center for Reproductive Rights; worked at the intersection of reproductive justice and LGBTQ liberation as an If/When/How Reproductive Justice Fellow at the National Center for Lesbian Rights; and supported young people in forming healthy relationships as a AmeriCorps Teen Advocate with Home Free.
Lauren has authored and co-authored legal scholarship on constitutional standards for reproductive rights, international human rights law as it relates to assisted reproductive technology, and state harms at the intersection of immigration and abortion for young people in Texas.
Noelle Jacobsen, DNP, APRN, CNM, WHNP-BC, FACNM
Dr. Jacobsen serves as Course Faculty in the Department of Midwifery and Women’s Health at Frontier Nursing University. She invested her nearly two decades of experience as a Certified Nurse-Midwife (CNM) in both the public and private healthcare sectors. Her professional interests center around healthcare services for vulnerable populations including CenteringPregnancy® group prenatal care, lactation, perinatal mental health, health equity, birth, reproductive, and sexual justice, as well as nurse-midwifery and nurse practitioner education innovation.
In addition to her academic role, she holds positions of leadership within the Florida Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM), where she chairs Student Engagement, and the Reproductive Health Access Network, where she co-leads the Florida Cluster. Outside her professional life, she enjoys travel, baking, reading, beach trips, and spending time with her spouse and rescue cats. Dr. Jacobsen’s career reflects her commitment to advancing midwifery and women’s health through education, clinical practice, and advocacy.