2018 Nurse-Midwifery Virtual Event
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The Greatest Action Starts with Good Communication
We often confuse the trauma of childbirth with the trauma of a broken maternity care system. It's far too common that women describe their births as traumatic and often, it isn’t the pain of childbirth that haunts them. It’s the way they were treated, how they were spoken to and sometimes, how they were […]
Building a Diverse Midwifery Workforce in the United States to Improve Maternity Care Outcomes
The United States has experienced increasing maternal mortality rates over the last 25 years. In fact, each year about 700 women die of pregnancy-related causes and more than 50,000 suffer severe complications but do survive. Women of color suffer at three times the rate of Caucasian women. This presentation will explore how increasing the numbers […]
Maximizing Midwifery: Strategies to Expand Access to the Midwifery Model of Care
By many measures, the maternity care system in the United States is not meeting people’s needs during pregnancy and childbirth. Substantial evidence supports the midwifery model of care as a key strategy to improve outcomes, the experience of care, and at the same time, use resources more effectively. Yet, midwives remain an underutilized resource. This […]