FREE CE: Maybe There is an “I” in TEAM: IPECS
This presentation will highlight how an Interprofessional Education, Collaboration and Service (IPECS) committee can be your driving and sustaining force on the journey to team based care and interprofessional education.
It’s the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife: Get the 411 on Becoming a Nurse-Midwife
This session is for current midwifery students or anyone who is considering becoming a nurse-midwifery student. Join Frontier Nursing University’s Department Chair of Midwifery and Women’s Health and find out about education at FNU. Get the inside scoop from current midwifery students about their experiences as a midwifery student. We will be taking your questions before or during this live session!
Midwifery Pearls of Telehealth – FREE CE Session
This session will provide an overview of telemedicine from a midwifery perspective with special emphasis on the areas of patient engagement, group care, provider satisfaction and best practices for meeting compliance requirements.
Hot Topics in the Management of Perimenopause & Menopause: A Conventional & Integrative Approach – FREE CE Session
This session will provide a review of the most common conventional and evidence-based integrative medicine interventions used during perimenopause and menopause.
Racial Disparities in Maternity Care: Where Do We Go From Here?
It is well known that maternal and infant mortality affects black and indigenous women at a much higher rate than other races. Racism is the core of the problem. How do we rebuild systems that are based on structural racism and put strategies in place to start to build true change. This session will review the issues related to health care disparities and discuss how midwives can engage in meaningful strategies for change.
Creating a Culture of Innovative Quality Improvement
Births can be unpredictable and midwives need to be prepared for events that may not happen often, but that can have deleterious effects on our clients. In order to keep these skills honed, we need to practice reacting in the moment to complications.
Free CE Session – Creating a Culture of Respectful Care for Pregnant and Postpartum People with Substance Use Disorders
In this interactive session, we will explore key elements, implementation guidance, and metrics associated with the 2021 revision of the Alliance for Innovation in Maternal Health (AIM) Care of Pregnant and Postpartum People with Substance Use Disorders Patient Safety Bundle.
Creating a Culture of Impact: Stories of Community Quality Improvement – Alumni & Faculty Panel
Join us for an impactful panel presentation hosted in collaboration with FNU’s IHI Open School Chapter. Hear stories of FNU's mission in action through visual storytelling as nurse-midwifery alumni and faculty share their community projects and initiatives for serving diverse, rural and underserved populations.
Creating a Culture of Antiracism
During this educational session you will be inspired to take action and implement change in your own practice or work environment to build a culture that is inclusive and caring for all.
Nurse-Midwifery Program Q&A – Creating a Culture of Community
This session is for you if you are considering becoming a nurse-midwife. Find out about FNU’s nurse-midwifery education program and get the inside scoop from current midwifery students about their experience. Hear about the joys and challenges of life as a midwife.
KEYNOTE SESSION – First Do No Harm: Advancing Reproductive and Maternal Health Equity
The U.S. has a complex history with race and reproduction, which has led to negative health outcomes for women and other birthing people of color. As reproductive and maternal health practitioners, we have a role to do no harm, but what does that really mean? And how do we grapple with historic harms whose effects still manifest today? This talk will provide historical context on reproductive oppression and discuss our role in advancing reproductive and maternal health equity today.
So…You Want to be a Nurse-Midwife?
Join FNU's nurse-midwifery faculty as we explore the roles, experiences, joys, and challenges of a career as a Certified Nurse-Midwife. We will discuss the path nurses can take to advanced practice nursing and what to expect once they get there. Come prepared with your questions about a career in nurse-midwifery.
FREE CE SESSION – The Sixth Vital Sign: Strategies to Integrate, Standardize and Normalize Depression Care
In this interactive session, we will explore best practices for depression screening and care, application of the Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment ( SBIRT) model to normalize depression screening, and holistic treatment planning for diverse individuals using a Shared Decision Making model.